Worship Time

All are welcome to worship at St. Christopher's. Regardless of background or personal identity, wherever you may be on a faith journey you are welcome here. 

Wednesday: 8:00 AM Morning Prayer

Sunday: 8:00 AM  Eucharist Rite I (Traditional Language)

Sunday: 10:00 AM Eucharistic Rite II (Contemporary Language)

Fellowship follows each service (Coffee Hour).


All children, ages 4-12 are welcome to attend Sunday School (younger children can attend The Nursery). 

Children meet in their classrooms prior to 10:00am service.  They join their parents or guardians just prior to the Sign of Peace during the service.

Our Sunday School program has two different amazing classrooms geared to the ages and the needs of our children. 

Please see the "Online Children's Formation" tab for current info

The Nursery

Our youngest children are warmly welcome at worship at all times...however, if you want to have an hour just to yourself in church, our nursery is available.

The Nursery is open during the 10:00am service . It is a room designed just for children, a beautiful light and airy room with access to the outside when the weather allows. A nanny  governs the children as they play with their favorite toys. Members of parish often volunteer to assure that two people are present in the room at all times.

music Ministry


This ensemble sings each Sunday from September through May for the 10:00am service. These dedicated members are committed to enhancing our committal worship with their beautiful song. If you're interested, contact the Director of Music. We are always welcome to new members. 

Concert Series

Our program calendar features a number of sacred music performances by visiting artists

coffee hour

Please join us for a complimentary coffee hour after each service. The whole family is welcome.  It's a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and engage with fellow parishioners.

Every week, families volunteer to host a coffee hour. They provide treats such a bakery, fruit, and juice. Coffee is provided by the church.

Please call the office for more questions about Coffee Hour or if you're interested in volunteering for a Sunday. 

life events

Many of life’s most profound milestones are celebrated in community with the church

St. Christopher’s is a very welcoming and open place for you and your family to be supported through those very important moments. Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and Burial are each an example of times to be lifted up by a faith community, and for that we hope you will consider
St.  Christopher’s. 

  • baptism

    Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble. That deeply sacramental nature moves us to take great care, consideration, and preparation in presenting candidates for Holy Baptism.

    Holy Baptism is appropriately administered within the Eucharist as the chief service on a Sunday or other feast. Please contact the church office to arrange a time with our Rector to discuss baptismal arrangements.

  • confirmation

    In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.

    Please contact the parish office regarding the schedule of classes for preparation of confirmation, and the specific dates our bishop will be present for the laying on of hands.

  • marriage

    Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant in the presence of God. In the Episcopal Church, it is required that one, at least, of the parties must be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be  attested by at least two witnesses; and the marriage conform to the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the canons of this church.

    Persons interested in having their wedding at St. Christopher’s should contact the church office to arrange a time with the Rector to initiate the process for The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage. 

  • burial

    Baptized Christians are properly buried from the church. The service should be held at a time when the  congregation has the opportunity to be present. It is not necessary to be a member of St. Christopher’s to  have their funeral at the church. In all cases, the Rector should be notified and will personally make  arrangements with the family regarding date, time, and liturgy of the burial service. 

What to expect

When are the services?

Every Sunday we have two morning services that celebrate the Holy Eucharist. 

  • 8 AM - Rite 1, traditional language and music, 
  • 10:00 AM - Rite 2, contemporary language with choir, Sunday school and nursery available

What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable. It's not uncommon to see people in casual clothing, while others prefer to still put on their "Sunday best."

How do I get to St. Christopher’s?

We are located one mile north of Good Hope Road on North River Road in the heart of the North Shore. There is plenty of parking in front of the church and handicapped parking is available right in front of the main church doors.

 Launch a Google Map.

Where do my children go?

We treasure our children and they are welcome to be in worship with you. We also have a well-staffed nursery with a bonded nanny and assistants from the parish. For our older children (ages 3-14) we have an exceptional Sunday School program during the school year. Our children come up to be part of Communion in the middle of the worship service. Our ushers can tell you how to get to the Sunday School or the nursery.

Am I expected to put money in the offering?

If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money in the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider St. Christopher’s your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to St. Christopher’s. You can give by check or cash during the service, or you can give online easily here.

Donate to St. Christopher's


Do I have to be a Member of St. Christopher's to attend?

Everyone is welcome to visit or attend St. Christopher's.  We welcome all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds.

You do not need to be baptized Christian...or be baptized at all!  Our church welcomes families, seniors, singles, and the LGBT community.  We are Christian and promote a Christian Lifestyle.  Many visitors, from all religious backgrounds, visit St. Christopher's on a regular basis.


We offer FREE babysitting in the nursery and Sunday School for children at the 10am Service.  You do not need to call ahead or register.


How long does a church service last?

A church service lasts approximately one hour.  Services are at 8am and 10am.  Babysitting and Sunday School is offered at the 10am service. Coffee hour is free to attend and follows both services in the Community Room.


Do I have to give money?

There's no cost to attend church.  During the service an offering plate is passed among the congregation. There is not a specific expectation as to giving. We encourage our parishioners to be guided by the spirit in offering their gift of support.    Your contribution supports church expenses such as utilities, staff, events, and infrastructure.  


Can I bring my children?

Yes, children of any age are encouraged to attend and are welcome! During the school year, Sunday school at the 10 am service. The nursery is offered year- round. We offer provide special events for children and families.


Are you handicap accessible?

Yes. If you need special accommodations, please contact the church office at 414.352.0380.


Am I expected to come every week?

We don't track who comes to church. However, we think you'll enjoy it so much...you'll want to attend regularly and are welcome to do so.


Do I have to Pre-Register to attend?

There is no registration required to attend church.  Ever.  Come as you are.  If you prefer to have someone welcome you or sit with you at service, please call the church office at (414) 352-0380.