what we believe

We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.

We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.

We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.

We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.

- From ECUSA


Our Faith community

St. Christopher’s is a parish church of The Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin, part of The Episcopal Church in the United States and The Worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a community that welcomes anyone wishing to come together in proclaiming of the Good News of Jesus Christ and gathering around the Lord’s Holy Table as one body. 


Nestled in the North Shore of Milwaukee, we are a place of refreshment of the soul and a sanctuary for spiritual growth.  Our extensive programming, fellowship, ministry and Christian education reflect a genuine spirit of family and community engagement.


St. Christopher’s is truly a center for Worship, Wellness, and Wonder to all who enter through our doors.


We are located at 7845 N. River Road in River Hills, Wisconsin

Click here to find us on google maps


St. Christopher's Parish
Officially Formed October 8, 1958

The Right Reverend Donald H.V. Hallock, 8th Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee granted official consent for the formation of a parish in River Hills, to be known as St. Christopher's Church. 

The Parish had previously begun as a Chapel of St. Marks, Milwaukee.  They met at the Fox Point Meeting house, a chapel located on the Bacon Estate on The Old Port Washington Rd. between Bradley and Calumet. The Rev. Killian Stimpson began holding services there, beginning in 1941. Ultimately the group needed to relocate, as they had grown and the property of the Meeting House was being sold. 

It was by way of a generous gift of the estate of Dr. Stanley J. Seeger that a site for the new church was acquired. Quoting Fr. Killian Stimpson in a letter, dated to the parish December 10, 1954:
"From the children of the late Dr. Stanley J. Seeger a five acre tract of land located on the River Road just south of the Bradley Road and valued at $16,000, has been given to us.  A promise of $50,000 from Mrs. Seeger gave us courage to go ahead with plans for a new Church. The deed for the land, and also $35,000 of Mrs. Seeger's most generous gift, are now in our possession." 

This is the legacy that we inherited over 60 years later:
"I feel certain that Fr. Stimpson, Bishop Hallock, and the founding leadership would be quite proud to know that their dedication and efforts would later evolve into the vibrant faith community we have here today at St. Christopher's, fully sixty years later. I am personally thankful for it every day."   

- Fr. Geoffrey Ward, St.Christopher's Rector 2018.

st christopher's campus

St. Christopher’s is very centrally located to the North Shore Community of Milwaukee.  It is situated in the Village of River Hills on a beautiful five-acre parcel, formerly used as a polo field in the 1940’s.  The surrounding area has a distinctly tranquil appeal, and the village holds the distinction of being a national bird city, tree city, and monarch butterfly city.


The physical plant is a unique combination of a worship space built in the 1950’s along with a community and office complex built in 2006.  The children’s classrooms, ADA restrooms, and nursery are very accommodating.  In 2019 the complex was further enhanced with a state-of-the-art 99-seat theatre space, making way for significant programming, including professional theatre productions. 

The campus underwent a major site renovation in 2024 that completely reimagined the five acre plot, including substantial improvements in storm water management, memorial garden expansion and a return to exclusively native plantings. The grounds feature an outdoor labyrinth, used frequently by members of the community, along with generous parking, picnic area and children’s playground.  

Everything about the building, grounds, and internal spaces of St. Christopher’s speak directly to the warmly welcoming nature of the parish family.